Sunday, 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas, Its give away time!

Merry Christmas everyone, here's hoping that Santa brought you a stack full of gaming goodies in that big old sack of his this morning. Personally, the old man in red treated me to Arkham City, Ultimate Tenkaichi, some new Turtle Beach headphones and Sonic generations! As well as some vodka to get me through the rest of the week of course!

In lieu of this festive season I thought I'd do something special for all you readers who are actually paying attention to this little blog posts of mine, after all it's you people that keep me going and keep me writing :)

So today I'm bringing you... THE FIRST EVER TCXS GIVE AWAY. That's right, like a real big gaming company I will be giving away a prize to the reader who gives me the best answer / response to this seasons theme, 'Festive gaming story!' Send in your favourite gaming story of the festive season and you'll be sent the shiny Arkham City related prizes!

Either email your response to or leave them in the comment box along with your contact details. Entries close January 1st, good luck everyone - and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Hi there true believ..Wait Stan Lee Might sue me. Hi there!
This is just a little post to keep you snappy Christmasy types at bay for a week or so 'til i can call in my guest reviews and actually get round to writing that Deus Ex review! (After I've stopped enjoying it so much)

In the mean time, you might remember a while back I mentioned Metal gear Solid 5: Rising. If that's the case, you may also remember that I was absolutely hyped for it - well what a shame that the game DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE.
That's right, 'Metal Gear Solid 5: Rising' has been completely scrapped as a project and has now been replaced with, 'Metal gear Rising: Revengeance'

This is a completely different project being spearheaded by the famous Platinum games company, the great Hack'n'Slash minds behind the brilliant Vanquish and acclaimed Bayonetta. I had mixed feelings about this. Metal Gear Solid is, without a doubt, my favourite gaming series of all time. Famous for it's protagonist, Solid Snake, the character who has single handedly touched the hearts of gamers everywhere - Metal Gear Solid has always based itself around Stealth but this is taking the game in a whole new direction..
At least that's what I thought until I found out that this game is actually a spin-off which simply keeps the title Metal Gear, not Solid. A small condolence but a condolence nonetheless.  There's no reason why this game can't be absolutely brilliant and I've no doubt it will be fun to play but the fan boy inside me is already screaming for me to boycott it. Take a look at the trailer for yourself here:

Edit: The blow has been softened yet again by series creator Hideo Kojima who confirmed on his twitter that impatient fans should simply try and sit tight and wait for Metal Gear Solid 5 which will return to the stealth elements..
Kojima, I love you.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

And we're back.. Again!

It seems that every time I manage to drum up some momentum here at TCXS something comes along and shoots me down! The latest in the list of things to try and shit me down.. Copyright. A concerned reader made apparent that the name and logo of my blog were already copyrighted by Sony, and after some investigation I found this to be true and found that Sony were threatening to not only shut me down but sue me.. So after a 'all rights reserved' legal mumbo jumbo at the bottom of my site, we can get back on track!

There are a LOT of things I've been wanting to write about since August (It feels like so much longer!) because it's been a MASSIVE few months for gaming! MW3, BF3, Arkham City just to name a few blockbusters..

We'll get to all that juicy goodness soon enough fellow TCXSers but right now I have a few announcements to make. First and foremost, I need ALL of your help, whomever you may be, to get my name back out there. My momentum has been stopped and viewer ratings fallen due to the copyright scare but now that we're back with a vengeance - I really need you all to pull out the stops and recommend friends!

Secondly, TCXS has recently received the support of 2 gaming giants. TecmoKoei, the minds behind the Dynasty Warriors (Mushou Warriors if you're one of our friends in the land of the rising sun) and retailer GAME recently joined forces to bring you even better service.. and TCXS have been included in the relationship!!! Head on over to Twitter to find out more and see deals, competitions, news and a lot lot more! Oh, and follow TCXS while you're there ;)

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Gamescom - Sony conference

This is an important and exciting week for games as both the Golden Joystick Awards are here GAMEScom has kicked off this week. Gamescom is basically a smaller e3, directed mainly at the European gaming sector. For this reason, I followed it with a heavy amount of interest as it is normally our friends over the waters who get the juiciest gaming events and things of the like, but enough of that.. Let's get under way!

In a shadow of E3 earlier this year, Sony kicked off their press conference with the 'Playstation Vita'. They delved straight into the hardware specs, giving no doubt that the Vita is a serious gaming machine. Sixaxis, dual cameras, dual analogue sticks, but a heavy emphasis was placed upon the 'social integration' the machine offers. Both text and video chat with friends (even if they are playing different games), updates to social networking sites (skype, facebook, twitter where the ones mentioned) and features such as wireless play anywhere due to 3G. All these new features were quick to be kicked into touch with the statement 'Of course at it's core, Vita is a gaming system.' I think this was a nice touch from Sony as that is what Vita is really meant to be. This was backed up by an incredibly bold statement, "We're confident we'll have the strongest launch lineup of a PlayStation launch ever." Personally I hope Sony can put their money where their mouth is and are able to back up these claims.

A new 'Resistance' title was the first game to be previewed at the conference as a brand new Resistance title with new weapons, enemies and mechanics. The story of this game is actually canon and fits perfectly into the main resistance storyline. Mechanics from a new cover system and touch play were revealed, giving just a show of the versatility of both the machine and game.  The next game to be showcased was a Vita installment of the hugely popular 'Little Big Planet' which was being stated as a 'perfect match.' The USP of this game and its combination with Vita is based on user generated content, which with Vita is apparently made easier than ever, the 'sharing on the go' is what's being used as a driving force for the pitching of this one and if what Sony say is true then it has every reason to be a huge success. It was the next title, Reality Fighter, which grabbed my attention. A possibility of playing as 'anyone, anywhere' by utilising the front and rear view cameras the Vita has to offer is something I could imagine having fantastic potential. Unfortunately, seeing the game in action did not live up to it's potential - it looked choppy and childish, more like a Wii game than what the PSV is apparently capable of.  Sony seemed to snatch back some attention  with the dropping of big names such as Assassins Creed, Tekken X StreetFighter, Fifa, Call Of Duty, Bioshock (just to name a few) Sony finished their handheld segment of the conference with the mention of a new PSP system for 99 euros so people can enjoy the PSP titles they may have missed out on.

Sony carried the conference into a different direction with the inevitable mention of Playstation Move. It seems they too are jumping on the fitness bandwagon with the release 'Move Fitness' but this was pushed aside with the jump back to big name titles such as Heavy Rain, Killzone 3 and the new addition of Resistance 3 with Move compatibility. They then went on to showcase some of PSMoves capabilities in the likes of FPS games but then took it right back to the cheesy gimmicks the gaming industry is rife with these days. Dance Star is a new title announced for PSMove including features such as recording your dance routines, downloadable songs, artist videos and a dance fitness regime. Viewers then got a treat from dance sensation 'Diversity' performing a live dance routine which didn't really seem to correlate to anything other than the fact it was a dancing game.. Following all of this move technology was a jump back to big brand titles, featuring a new trailer for blockbuster Resistance 3 and a bizarre new downloadable title, Infamous 2: Festival of Blood, which will see Cole McGrath turned into a vampire. An interesting direction to take.. Both of these trailers were overshadowed however, by the colossal gameplay trailer of 'Uncharted 3' which was admittedly highly impressive. It was met with a room full of cheers and applause, no one hiding their excitement for the massive title.

In the final stages of the conference, the 3D view, split screen television which I mentioned in my Sony E3 roundup was confirmed as being available for purchase in Autumn this year for 499 Euros. It all drew to a close with an 'important announcement.' This announcement was that the price of the Playstation 3 was being slashed, right across the globe to 249 euros, good news for any gamer.

Monday, 15 August 2011

The Golden Joysticks

Just as E3 is synonomous with gaming events, The Golden Joystick Awards are the most well known and popular gaming award ceremony.  Every year the general public vote for their favourite game depending on category, be it sport, shooter, one to watch, or all round game of the year.Year to year the categories and brackets fluctuate and change, seemingly randomly, but that does not stop both the award and ceremony being certainly prestigious. It is one of the only gaming events (minus the likes of E3) to attract celebrity names such as David Mitchell and Frankie Boyle to attend.  It is important to remember that the votes for every award is based only on public vote, making this the true 'peoples award' It is for this reason that developers, publishers and even gamers themselves take such a huge interest in this annual ceremony - ladies and gents this is big business! So here are this years categories and my votes for each category:

Best Shooter: Crysis 2
Crysis 2 is one of the games I picked up a while ago that I have been meaning to review but simply haven't had the.. Well Ok i've been lazy with that one.  It is quite simply an amazing game. Easily the most visually stunning game I have seen thus far, with a brilliant soundtrack, story and with unique mechanics it is a must play from me. Admittedly I was a little torn on this choice, as another game in the list is SEGA's own 'Vanquish'. This also is a brilliant title, aesthetically pleasing, unique mechanics (ROCKET SLIDE!!) and an all round gem of a game, but my gut told me to go with Crysis 2 - easily the hardest decision I made in all of my choices. Unfortunately I believe that both of these games will be horribly overshadowed and lose to Call Of Duty: Black Ops - at leats if the last few years results are anything to go by..

Best Action: Castlevania Lords Of Shadow
Ok now this was a definite no brainer. If you read my VERY FIRST blog and review on Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow here you will know that this is not only my favourite action games, but quite possibly one of my favourite games on all of Playstation 3. This is a well deserved solid choice for me, but heavy competition comes in the form of Assassins Creed.

Best RPG: Fallout New Vegas
Again, a rather easy choice for me as I thoroughly enjoyed playing through it and it is a game I invested a lot of time into. Although nowhere near (in my opinion) as good as its predecessor  Fallout 3, this one still took best of show in the RPG category for me. I'll get round to reviewing that too at some point...

Best MMO: World Of Warcraft
Ya know, because there basically isn't any others and I used to be a massive WoW addict..

Best Fighting: Mortal Kombat
Yet again, a fantastically hands down choice for me. Mortal Kombat made my list of most anticipated games and the only reason I haven't got round to writing the 5 star rave review of it yet is that I'm still playing it. Every day. Since launch. Now if that isn't reason for it to be my best fighting game of the year, I don't know what is but just in case.. It's fantastically gory, beautiful to look at (in a sick kind of way) easy for both beginners and pro alike, brings a tonne of new shiny things (like X-Rays) did away with all the genuinely crap characters and did an amazing job of rebooting the story into touch. That's about it I think..
Now i'm gonna be honest with you here, I didn't feel it was fair of me to vote on many of the other categories as I either:
A) Had only played one of the games or hadn't played any of the games in the category at all; 
or B) Hated them all or only liked one game.
For this reason there are a few categories I did not vote in but If I had to, based off the little of these games that I have played here's what I'd vote.
Best Racing: Gran Turismo 5
Best Sports: Football Manager 2011
Best Strategy: Civilization V
Best Music Based: Guitar Hero, Warriors Of Rock
Best Free to Play: Zuma
Best Mobile: Fruit Ninja
Best Downloadable: Dead Nation

Ultimate Game Of The Year: Black Ops
Now here's the main event. The head honcho. The big cheese. The don. The..Ok i'll stop. Yes this is the ultimate game of the year award, the most coveted of all the golden joystick awards. This was also the category that annoyed me the most. In fact it pushed me almost not to vote. Why? Because of the simply baffling lack of choice. I chose Call of Duty Black Ops for two reasons, one of which was the fact I did not feel any other game was deserving of GOTY, in fact I barely felt Blops is deserving. What swung me to voting however is the fact that, I undeniably have played this game more than any other this year and have in fact enjoyed it. At the end of the day I suppose that is what this award is about. I guess I just would have liked to give this title to a game that had ground breaking mechanics or something like that, not just a record sales breaking blockbuster. I was shocked to see a lack of Crysis 2 up there, and even more shocked to see Bulletstorm which in my opinion is pretty terrible. But I suppose that's just the way it is. At least zombies mode is fucking awesome. 
One to Watch: Metal Gear Rising
It's a Metal Gear Solid Game. Is there really anything else I need to say?
So there you have it folks, this years Golden Joystick Awards nominations. Watch this space for the results when they happen, and don't forget to cast your vote to see your favourite game win!

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The technology of gaming - The future

This may seem a little unorthadox but bare with me and i'll explain. This is the first of a 3 part blog on the past, present and future of gaming technology as we know it. So sit back, relax and let all the scary prospects of the future entice you! 

So what is it exactly that people think of when they look to the future? When it comes to general life certain things become prominent - flying cars, moving pavement / sidewalks, robots doing everything for us. The same is true for videogames, one thing above all plays upon the imagination of technological hopefuls the world over - virtual reality. The very idea of virtual reality has been used for years, over and over again, both in imagination and popular entertainment media. Whether it be the world of anime with Dot Hack (with the VR technology actually being used for gaming purposes) or whether it be the slightly different concept of ARI for the use of finding clues and crime fighting (an idea introduced in Heavy Rain) to countless uses in film such as The Sixth Day, Minority Report and let's not forget - the classic that is TRON.

For the select few of you who by some chance have not encountered the prospect of virtual reality before, let me try and explain. Virtual reality refers to the idea that an individual, through the use of technology, can enter a completely digital or imaginary world, away from the restraints of the traditional physical one in which we live now. Think of it as, sitting in your chair at home with a VR headset on, but seeing yourself running through miles of beautiful green fields, or battling ferocious dragons - you get the idea. The best known indication of virtual reality is the film TRON, which literally sparked the idea and interest in VR as a possibility. 
So, going back to my little introduction - why is it that I chose the future of gaming before the obvious choices of the past then present? Well, prepare to have your minds blown..

This, ladies and gents, is the next step in technology. Sony Worldwide Studios senior director Mick Hocking has confirmed that the device above is a prototype in an ongoing exploration into potential VR technology. He stated that the prototype device also displays high-end 3D. This news got me very excited as ever since I was young I have always wanted some kind of virtual reality gaming experience to exist and that now looks more likely than ever. Imagine a fully immersed world - actually turning and having to look around - put that into a gaming environment. Scoping out enemy positions and relaying feed to ground troops, actually having to watch the road as you speed through crowded city streets - the possibilities are endless and exciting.

With the latest increase into the exploration of 3-D technology, the potential for VR gaming and god knows what other technological advances that are being worked on as we speak - the future looks good. Especially when you consider the fact that with VR comes VR girls - I dunno about you but I wouldn't mind spending some time with Tron girl in my own reality..

Sunday, 17 July 2011

A thanks to Koei and my followers!

I would just like to give a big thank you to all my twitter and facebook followers who have been retweeting, linking, reposting and advertising my blog to everyone! One person inparticular has gone above and beyond what everyone else has done to advertise me, so for that reason a special mention goes out to my good friend:

MattCrinos (!/MattCrinos)

As of this morning, a massive thank you also goes out to my friends over at TecmoKoei who published my Fist Of The North Star: Ken's Rage review on both their twitter and facebook page, raking in over 125 page views in just a few minutes!! Thank you so much guys! But it's not me that people should be appreciating - it's you guys. If you didn't make such great games I couldn't give them great reviews - so keep making awesome games and i'll keep reviewing them for you!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

An apology and a thanks.

Right then you fine people, where to begin.. I'll start with an apology. I'm sorry I haven't blogged. As you'll soon see I've had a lot of things going on, both on a personal, financial, social and work related front and I simply haven't had the time I would have liked to invest in the blog. This is something I really care about and a lot of you know that this is important to me. But now that everything is settled down again I'll be posting blogs a LOT more frequently. That brings me to a little side point; I just want to thank everyone that is still following me here. It started out with a few close friends and family but you guys have really helped me, it is this small but loyal fan base that keeps me writing.
Now that's out of the way we can get down to business! There's been a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes of TCXS as of late, i've been in contact with some very high profile people in the gaming industry and the gaming website scene and as a result have been asked to contribute to several more sites, so good stuff!

More excitingly however, I have been approached by a friend of mine about a top secret project involving myself and several others. I can't give much away because it's still in the planning stages but it's gonna be great. The people involved are an awesome bunch and are very like minded to myself, and that's pretty much the only hint I can give. It will start out small but with your help and our determination we're hoping it can turn into something great - so watch this space..

Now onto actual gaming matters. The next few blogs are ones that I've been interested in writing for quite some time now, including but certainly not limited to; my opinions on DLC, technology of the future and how it will affect gaming, technology of the present (thats right, a 2 parter!) and my review of Fist Of The North Star: Ken's Rage. The review is one i'm looking forward to as i haven't reviewed since Castlevania Lords Of Shadow way back in my first post. So keep an eye on the site folks, there's plenty to look forward to.

Monday, 13 June 2011

the E3 roundup part 1 - Sony!

So E3 has come and gone for another year, and here I am - late to the party admittedly - with my E3 roundup! I was sleep deprived and laptop hogging for days to make sure I didn't miss any of E3 and can safely say, yet again, it was worth it.

Okay, let's kick off with the highlights. Understand of course that I won't be covering each conference in depth, going into each individual game - chances are if you are after information that descriptive then you either watched E3 or have already seen what it showcased. So let's get down to it! Sony started the E3 conference exactly how I believed that they should have done - taking head on the PSN outage. They did a brilliant job of tackling this problem head on during the conference, apologising for the outage and thanking everyone for their patience. So with the messy business out of the way Sony could get down to the good stuff - all the games and big announcements.
Now, unless you have had no internet access, have not passed any game magazines of any kind or have just been living in a cave these past few weeks - you'll know what the biggest Sony announcement was. That's right; the Playstation Vita, or what I call; The PSV.

The PSV is Sony's new handheld system - the next PSP. Normally this would not raise any flags of mine as the PSP was for the most part, not very good. Sure it had a few decent games and was graphically nice and all that but it was hacked in the first few months, UMDs did not work and Sony kind of forgot all about it. So what is so different about the PSV? Well let's look at the features; A touch screen, rear touch pad, two analog sticks, two cameras, tilt, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G.. It's jam packed full of em. But having features is all well and good but a gaming platform has to play games well; and I'm happy to say it looks like Vita does that too. 

Showcased on the Vita was Uncharted: Golden Abyss which looked impressive, especially considering it's a handheld console. The demo showed how the touch pad could be used to hurl grenades as well as choose destinations to make Drake jump to and all seemed to work seamlessly. Also announced for the Vita were ModNation Racers, Little Big Planet, and Street Fighter x Tekken - all of which had accompanying demos. With all these high brand names and all this shiny technology, one can be forgiven for thinking that Sony could actually rival Nintendo in their handheld dominated market - but the big question on everyone's minds was, of course, price - and Sony saved their biog guns for this one. They're releasing Vita - THIS Christmas - for 249 euros (just over £219) which made everyone in attendance, and even myself - wow. Whether it dominates the handheld market or not.. This will definitely be a purchase for me.

So as well as Vita, Sony's key point at this years E3, Sony also unveiled several big games coming out soon. The pinnacle of these had to be the latest installment in the Uncharted series. Personally I've not played these much so for me it wasn't that big but it seemed to ring bells for everyone else. Admittedly the graphics were very impressive - this is one to look out for. Also announced was a new installment to an old favourite - a new Sly Cooper game was announced! A few demos were shown and various statements by companies supporting Sony - nothing majorly important to me until one trailer caught my eye. Not only was this FPS trailer stunningly beautiful, it pulled no punches. It opened with a group of hostages, rope tied from their feet to large concrete blocks being kicked off ledges into water to drown. The thick accented, scarred AI character addressing the player (whom the viewers where taking the point of view of) then proceeded to do the same to the protagonist. After escaping and going on what can only be described as a killing spree, I became very excited. Beautiful graphics, what looks to be an interesting story, brutal and interesting melee kills and game mechanics.. Farcry 3 was announced. If the gameplay trailer is anything to go by, it's going to be a lot of fun. 

Now, one more thing the Sony conference threw to my attention.. was this:

'A TV?' I hear you ask? Yes a TV - but this has something quite different about it.. Sony has branded 2011 as the year of 3D. 3D is the latest gaming related trend for companies to pursue and more and more games now are being released with 3D capability. Wow big woop, a TV that plays 3D - but wait. This one is very special..
Think, if you will, about every game you've played split screen. Every time you're eyes have glanced over to your partner / enemies bottom half of the screen and grinned stupidly as you realise exactly where he is - or used insane amounts of profanity because they did it to you. This is now a thing of the past - with Sony's new 3D TV - split screen has been revolutionised. Now, instead of the screen being halved, each player who is looking at the screen will see a screen of their own. Let that sink in for a second - as it sure as hell confuses me how they've managed it. It will be as if you're both playing on your own TV and will make screen watching impossible.

So that's it from me on the Sony conference at this years E3. Admittedly I was quite disappointed as opposed to last year. There was the noticeable lack of Kevin Butler's enthusiasm and nothing really eye popping. That can be forgiven though i suppose - I mean how could they top what they brought onto stage for the finale last year? I got, and still get, goosebumps when I saw this..

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Now we have twitter!

Just as a tiny temporary post - feel free to follow me on twitter!
Currently i'm giving snippits of the E3 lowdown! E3 roundup post to follow very soon!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Competitive gaming and game rage

Anyone in the world knows, gamer or not, winning feels good. It feels very good. It feels ESPECIALLY good when you're either;
a) Competing for a prize of some kind in a tournament
b) Defeating an arrogant or annoying little microphone warrior
or c) Beating a close, dear friend then laughing hysterically at their failure and holding it over their head for the purposes of banter.

Yes we all like winning and to try and get my latest egotistical boost came in the form of entering a Mortal Kombat 9 tournament for PS3, ran by Gamestation. I had a run in with this contest once before, a month or so ago when the demo for the smash hit fighter was released to the PSN and Live Arcade alike. Gamestation in cahoots with Warner Brothers ran the competition to which i was all too eager to join. As it was only the demo version, only 4 characters were playable; Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Mileena (HAHAHAHAHA). But yeah it was Scorpions all round with 1 Sub-Zero player. Anyways, I got to the semi finals and was absolutely annihilated by the overall contest winner, so i left disheartened. Yesterday however I attended another Gamestation tournament with hopes of redeeming my earlier defeat and much to my joy, I did! I took home the title of tournament winner and the proverbial gold - the gold being a cardboard Mortal Kombat sign and a copy of Thor on PS3.

So what is it that draws us all to the competitive arena? Well as I stated before; we crave victory. With victory comes fame, admiration, or even better; prizes. There's certainly no shortage of any kind for competitive gamers, both serious and casual. America is where the big gaming for money happens, with the likes of MLG (Major League Gaming) putting cash prizes up in the thousands. Over here in Europe we have the EGL (European Gaming League) and if you win, they make sure your name is known. Justin Wong, a name all to well known to competitive gamers all over the world. He's the one who dominates most every fighting game tournament there is, most recently Mortal Kombat - taking a hefty 10 grand winnings. Not bad for a days work..But for most of us - all competitive gaming comes to is a kill to death ratio on CoD, or being able to beat your friends to a bloody pulp without taking so much as a scratch. It's for bragging rights.

 Or is that very close minded of me? Of course it is. There are those who play, brace yourselves for this one.. FOR FUN. Good god, the concept is shocking isn't it? Yes there are those who play Call Of Duty who will be sniped by a filthy, camping little swine and will simply shrug, maybe even complimenting them on their good shot. The world would be a better, nicer place if every game was full of these kinds of players, but generally they don't tend to be very good. Not that that is a crime, I applaud people like that. I think we all take gaming, myself especially, far too seriously. At the end of the day - it's fake numbers brought about by fake bullets or punches. We realistically don't benefit or suffer from them, yet taking a bullet or finishing blow will force some players into a rage nonetheless - usually ending in them insulting whoever it was who beat them. I talk from personal experience of course, from both sides of the story..

Let's look at it from a different perspective. Competitive gaming inevitably took off largely due to the introduction of consolised online play - no longer did you have to spend a fat wedge on a computer powerful enough to run all of NASA just to play online games. Now most every household has some kind of gaming system with online capabilities. Game developers of course recognised the importance of competition, why else would they focus so heavily on online play? Not only that but they cater to the needs of the competitor by including number of deaths, number of kills, ratios, accuracy.. Every aspect of play can now be seen and compared. Modern Warfare 2, the critically acclaimed FPS, had an astonishing 8 million online players in it's first week of release - all blowing each other to pieces, so obviously there's no lack of demand for it.
That's not to say that the non-competitive among us aren't accounted for. God knows any potential untapped resource will be realised by developers far and wide in an attempt to squeeze the last penny from their wallets. Just look at the Wii, that I can think of there are no seriously competitive games on the console save for Super Smash Brothers which admittedly can get exceptionally heated. Save for SSB it has the likes of Red Steel and a few others like it, but they don't support online play. Luckily we live in an age where every type of player is catered for.

So that's my little bit on competitive gaming. To finish off - here's a priceless video of competitive gaming and it's potential effects;

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Just blame it on the game

I recently got into an argument with someone on a message board over their argument that video games inspire violence in teenagers and those younger than 18. I was quick to jump to the defense of the entertainment medium and after the argument was settled in my favour, i got to thinking about when i took psychology for A-Level in college, I based one of my assignments on just this topic. So, I thought I'd dig it out for all you lovely people and change it slightly to be more video game than psychology based. Hey, a post is a post, recycled or not! It is estimated over 80 percent of video games on the market contain some form of violence. In a world of escalating knife and gun crime in teenagers, where violence in video games is so common, is there some correlation between them?

Grand Theft Auto is a hugely popular video game created by Rockstar that features extreme violence and crime, and the player is rewarded for anarchic behavior, as any gamer worth their salt will know. Let's face it, we've all gone on a mad rampage now and again; stealing cars, beating prostitutes, gunning down the random old lady who happens to get in your way.. However, this game does not stand alone within Rockstar. Perhaps the most violent game in all of Rockstar's catalogue is, Manhunt. Though not as popular or well known as Grand Theft Auto, in the UK at least it still pricks up a considerable amount of ears when mentioned as a hefty amount of people have played it in their youth, myself included. For the record, it was brilliant. The player controls an individual who is being told to 'execute' gang members, civilians and police officers in the most violent way possible, for the enjoyment of someone else. The player is presented with an array of weapons with everything from crowbars and guns to simplistic weapons such as screwdrivers and plastic bags.

The game has three 'levels' of executions, and these get bloodier as the levels of execution progress. Level 1 execution are the least bloody of the three, Level 2 executions are considerably more gory, and level 3 kills are over-the-top fatalities. The game encourages players to execute enemies as brutally as possible, and awards players who do so with higher scores at the end of the level.

Who wouldn't want to whack this thing?

Now, I'mma lay some science on you! In the world of psychology, this is what is known as 'symbolic modelling' as players are witnessing violent behaviour being rewarded so are more likely to imitate and learn their own behaviour from the symbolic model character. Saying 'symbollic modelling to anyone remotely involved with psychology, myself included, will throw up the name Bandura, Ross and Ross, as they conducted an experiment into this in 1963. I could describe the whole study; the aim, methodology, ethical implications etc, but that isn't why you're here so if you're really interested in that then you can go research it! Basically, they showed kids a video of a man hitting a clown doll and getting rewarded, and another group of kids a video of the same guy hitting the same doll but getting punished. Guess what the result was? That's right - the kids who saw the first video were more likely to act violently towards the doll. However, although this may SEEM to support the video game violence behaviour; people have to bare in mind it is not small, highly impressionable children who are playing these games. Also people who play these games tend to be logical, perfectly mentally healthy individuals who can distinguish between fantasy and reality, implying if they see a character being rewarded for violent behaviour in a game they know this would not be the case in real life.

There have been many court cases in which Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt have arisen as possible causes for the murder but as of yet, no direct link has been found. As of September 2007, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is the best-selling video game in the United States with 8.6 million copies sold. (This could very well be horribly wrong as we now live in 2011 and I originally wrote this 2-3 years ago but hey-ho) With that many copies sold, if it really did induce violence, would there not be more cases?
That's not to say there aren't reported cases of video game 'inspired' bonuses. Every so often this controversy of violence in video games appears in the media usually due to an incident, such as this one; In March 2005, 2 police officers and 1 civilian were shot dead by 18 year old Devin Moore who was a big fan of the Grand Theft Auto video game. The game rewards the player for shooting or beating passersby and police officers, destroying and stealing cars and causing any mayhem they can. After his capture, Moore is reported to have told police, "Life is like a video game. Everybody's got to die sometime." This tragic incident caused outrage among the public, leading the brother of one of the men shot dead to file a law suit against Rockstar, the company responsible for the creation of Grand Theft Auto. In the court case, there was no link found between real life and fantasy game violence.

This is not the only case of its kind either, and the same game is involved. In Oakland, Calif., detectives said the game provoked a street gang accused of robbing and killing six people. In Newport, Tenn., two teenagers told police the game was an influence when they shot at passing cars with a .22 calibre rifle, killing one person. In each case, no direct link between the game and the violence was found. A perhaps more famous case Is that of Stefan Pakeerah. There was outcry for the game 'Manhunt' to be banned shortly after its UK release, and after the murder of Stefan Pakeerah by his best friend who was said to be 'obsessed' with the game pleaded guilty. Following the media exposure, the game was removed from store shelves such as GAME but this only increased demand for the game online. Manhunt went back on sale across the country after it was found, yet again, there was no link between the murder and the game violence.

So, there we have it. The evidence stacking against the argument that games inspire violence, as opposed to for it, is overwhelming. I have tried not to be in any way biased towards this side of the argument, looking at it from a psychology perspective but i suppose there will always be some bias. Personally, I believe that video game violence does affect real life violence, but only to a very limited extent and it only affects a limited number of individuals. I believe that those already of a certain mindset will be affected by the shown violence and may replicate it but for the vast majority, it will have no affect as they realise it is fictional and purely for fun. As for me, and I'm sure millions of other players around the world, I'm going to keep playing so long as they keep getting made, and enjoying every gore filled moment, knowing it is just a game. I mean, what beats tearing a guys leg off then beating him to death with it (God i love you Mortal Kombat).

Sunday, 8 May 2011

The age of online?

I, along with millions of other Playstation 3 owners, have been left stranded as of late by Sony and their recent fiasco involving the infamous hack and tremendously dire handling of the situation. There are already thousands of blogs, articles and videos detailing the incident so rather than tread old ground - I'll take a different approach and look at the wider picture of online gaming.

It's no secret that the vast majority of the gaming market, and indeed the biggest and most popular titles base themselves heavily on the multi player experience. In the past this would be the likes of Goldeneye, multi player not stretching further than 4 people sat around 1 television but now split screen is dead and forgotten by developers. The real multi player experience now is online. Facing off against an infinite number of different opponents, each with different playing styles, set ups, tendencies, ways of life and backgrounds from every walk and race of life. What could be better than meeting a randomer from another country on a game you like and making friends? Yeah right - it usually just ends up a slur match, but if anything that's more fun.

This seems like, and is, a fantastic leap forward in terms of connectability and technology, ensuring no man plays alone. This is why, as highlighted earlier, so many games incorporate some aspect of online play. Whether it be Demon's Souls' scarce co-op, the world known Call Of Duty multi player or even games which have NO single player mode and function only online such as MAG, game developers rarely if ever leave out online.

However, is this a good thing? Getting back to the PSN outage, millions of gamers, myself included, have been left without online. This means some people can not even play the games they may love such as MAG, as online is a requirement. For the most part however, it simply means a more lack-luster gaming experience. I'm all for a good campaign or story mode, but games like Mortal Kombat and even after 1 or 2 playthroughs of Crysis 2, I'm left hungering for online. This is an echo of the era we live in, and after this shambles I have mixed feelings over it. It used to be a game could be enjoyed for hundreds of hours while playing solo but now the massive amount of money, effort and time put into games multi player or online experiences tends to mean a short coming for the single player experience, which i think is a real shame. Maybe after this disaster for Sony, developers will start following suit of Batman Arkham City.

Arkham City, follow up to the massively successful and brilliant Batman: Arkham Asylum, recently revealed that there would be no online features in the highly anticipated game. The developers of the game spoke out their views and reinforced their belief that this would be for the best, both in interests of the game and for fans. They thought that including an online mode in what is primarily a single player game, would lead to the detriment of the single player experience, something they definitely did not want. Why provide what would in all actuality, be a sub-par or generic online experience which would cause the solo play to suffer, when they can provide no online but instead offer a fantastic single player game?

I'd love to hear other people's views on this. Should more developers follow suit and make single player only games? What are your views on the network outage and online gaming?

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Long overdue return

It's been just over a month since my last post, ( i think?!) but i'm just letting you all know that I'm still alive! I've had a steady yet heavy influx of uni work but finished off my last piece of coursework today so I'm back to blog again.

In my time off i've been doing quite a lot gaming wise, expect quite a few blogs in the next week or two including:

competiton gaming
fallout new vegas
trophy hunting
call of duty: WaW
most anticipated part 2

And whatever else i can think of in the time from now > then. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Most anticipated

Well I failed my goal of getting a blog out every day.. Oh well! Looks like I'm on a write as I please basis now!

Today I'll be giving a list of my most anticipated releases on ps3 this year, as well as listing games that recently were released that I want! Unfortunately i have to pick and choose my games as my funds for gaming are extremely limited so the list is pretty short for now but in no particular order, here we go:

Dynasty Warriors 7 - 1 April
I haven't really been following Koei much as of late. Way back early last year i picked up their latest Dynasty Warriors title, it being the only current gen Dynasty game, and found it simply appalling - i just couldn't place why. The character designs had changed, even character weapons. The combat felt broken and disjointed and i expected more all round. Those of us (like me) who had gotten used to playing certain characters such Xiahou Dun (pictured) with his monstrous sword, now played completely different with different weapons. I was a big fan of Dynasty Warriors' last gen instalments, but was an even bigger fan of the similar Samurai Warriors, so until Koei finally releases (if they ever do) news about a current gen Samurai Warriors, this is the game I'm keeping my eyes on.

Fist Of The North Star
However, Koei have also recently released a game by the name of Fist Of The North Star. Now depending on your interests, this will either excite you incredibly (and if that's the case you've already played it) or mean nothing. Fist of The North Star is a very popular anime/manga based around hero Kenshiro and, as standard, tremendous fighting. This game uses the same fighting and level mechanics as the Dynasty / Samurai Warriors series and as a fan of anime i hugely anticipate this game. After downloading the demo from the Playstation Network i can say that I want this game even more as it lives up to any expectations I have and seems a massive improvement on the style of Dynasty Warriors 6.

Mortal Kombat 9 - 19 April
A decent Mortal Kombat game has been long anticipated on PS3 so it's only right it takes it's rightful place in this list. Mortal Kombat has been giving gamers gratuitous amounts of over the top gore and violence in the bloodiest of ways, and most of them have been good, if not great. Recent adaptations have, however, been lack luster. Luckily it seems this time round that Mortal Kombat will be pulling out all the stops to make sure it's return is triumphant and fantastically violent, just what the fans want. And speaking of being famed for violence, this time round there is a new addition to the Mortal Kombat roster, and it is only that of the God killer himself - Kratos. Reception of this has been varied but admittedly he does fit in well. I won't say much more on this game but instead let you see for yourself why I am looking forward to it so much.

Dead Island
I hold special interest for this one and shall be keeping a VERY close eye on it in the coming months. I'm a huge fan of zombies in all forms of entertainment but especially gaming. My last run in with them was in the form of Dead Rising 2 which though fun, was a little too disappointing. it got boring fast and zombies were more of a joke than a serious threat. However, this game seems to be taking a very different route. Not only that, but the trailer is one of the most emotional, beautiful and enticing trailers I have ever seen - and that's not just for games, for anything. That in itself is something the developers should be very proud of. Again I'll let you see for yourself exactly what has me so excited. Brace yourself, this is one of the greatest trailers you will ever witness.

Twisted Metal
Twisted Metal - A name that brings to surface hundreds of memories of one of my favourite games of all time. Back on the original Playstation me, my brother and our friends put countless hours in blowing up famous world monuments. There's just something gratifying about riding up the Eiffel Tower playing a crazed murderer who's head is on fire, driving a tripped out ice cream van, or terrorising other drivers as a war survivor, donning the skull of a dead friend, firing missiles and machine gun bullets from a modded motorbike. At this years E3 convention, Twisted Metal PS3 was the last reveal at the Sony Conference. The cinematic trailer (no, bugger off and go look for it yourself) drove fans wild and as if that wasn't enough, a replica Sweet Tooth ice cream van drove on stage. This was enough to make me squeal with excitement as i watched the whole thing through my laptop screen. The last run in I had with Twisted Metal was in the form of Twisted Metal: Black on Playstation 2 which was also a fantastic game which i would recommend. This time round we see Sweet Tooth taking a front seat (pardon the pun) role in a battle against Darkside with one of the most exciting prospects.. Online multiplayer! Whether the reviews end up positive or negative this is still a title i will not be missing out on.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Hollywood - the game!

Video games are now an undeniable form of entertainment. Where as in the past it may well have been shunned or disregarded as a serious industry in copmparrison to film and music, this is now not the case. Not only that but the video game industry is now one of the most popular forms of entertainment markets of them all. Video games, thanks to the general casualisation of the industry with the introduction of things like the Wii and Doctor Kawashima's Brain Training are reaching out to audience's that had never been considered before. No longer are games associated to the pale faced, spot ridden shut in teenager, but now all people of all ages from all walks of life.

Considering this, it's no surprise that the money grabbers over in Hollywood want to stick their money grabbing hands into the proverbial pie, usually with disasterous results. Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone In The Dark, Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, the list of video to film conversions goes on. The one thing they have in common? They have, for the most part, all been awful. Not one game to film conversion has reveived above 50% on Rotten Tomatoes, with most averaging below 30%.

Many a time have I cringed at the simple idea of some of my favourite games being transitioned to the big screen - most notably Resident Evil, which have without a doubt - been terrible. The first film's relation to the game series was tenuous at best - pretty much the only relation was the fact that there were zombies, the drop of the name Umbrella, T-Virus That's about it. Stand alone, this could have been acceptable. However.. They just couldn't help themselves, they felt the need to attempt to reach out to the gaming audience, an exciting concept. They decided to take one of the most menacing, terrifying and relentless enemies from the entire series, the tenacious Nemesis.

The green skinned, purpe tentacled, leather clad behemoth terrified gamers everywhere when he refused to stay down after taking heavy amounts of machine gun fire and shotgun blasts - only to get back up again and attempt to smash the Racoon Police Department Doors. He was made only more horrifying when seemingly out of nowhere he appeared atop building, equipped with rocket launcher. He was an unrelenting force of destruction and death, the true definition of Nemesis.

Now i do applaud Hollywood for their attempts to recreate Nemesis aesthetically, they actually achieved that pretty well - with the exception of a blue eye instead of a deathly white one. Oh, and with the addition of a gattling gun as well as rocket launcher. But that's where my praise ends. Jill Valentine as well as Carlos Oliviera and Nicolai. Carlos portrayed as a short, spiky haired badass, Jill Valentine as a sarky, jealous break the rules police officer. Nicolai, the game's main antagonist, is in the film portayed as a cheeky ladies man who gets killed almost instantly by a cerberus as he is too occupied with flirting with Jill. Perhaps the most disgraceful aspect of this film however, is the ending. Nemsis, face to face in a battle to the death with Alice (literally hand to hand punching, no tentacle, body ripping action) which is quite frankly embarassing - get's beaten. When ordered to kill Alice Nemsis refuses and instead, in an ode to his humanity, chooses to save Alice for the greater good. Pathetic.
I could go on and on about how dire they are, the third film involviong the original Resident Evil master monster.. Tyrant. The hulking, seemingly clawed demon was reduced to a mere joke, portrayed as a pretentious TALKING doctor. I've yet to witness the latest film, but as it includes Albert Wesker - i can only imagine they've somehow ruined him.
So why don't the films work? A simple 2 answers - real life has limitations. In a game, anything is possible, monsters and demons can look however the creator wants them to. In real life, in film, people can only do what the human body and the technology available to us allows us to do, which simply does not work as well, the amount of options instantly becomes limited. Secondly - the audience. Film makers are after as much money as possible, so they generalise the film, plot and characters. Giving a character like Nemsis a human nature and 'good' side, appeals to more people than a freak intent on killing. More appeal means more sales - after all they have no reputation to live to, what do they care if it's an awful film and nothing like the game? People will still go and see it just in case it IS like the game, we live in hope right? The only film i can say i remotely liked linking to games was Silent Hill, because it stuck closely to the first game, but still suffered some changes for the public. But, for every 1 good game film there are dozens of terrible ones. Just look at Street Fighter...