Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The technology of gaming - The future

This may seem a little unorthadox but bare with me and i'll explain. This is the first of a 3 part blog on the past, present and future of gaming technology as we know it. So sit back, relax and let all the scary prospects of the future entice you! 

So what is it exactly that people think of when they look to the future? When it comes to general life certain things become prominent - flying cars, moving pavement / sidewalks, robots doing everything for us. The same is true for videogames, one thing above all plays upon the imagination of technological hopefuls the world over - virtual reality. The very idea of virtual reality has been used for years, over and over again, both in imagination and popular entertainment media. Whether it be the world of anime with Dot Hack (with the VR technology actually being used for gaming purposes) or whether it be the slightly different concept of ARI for the use of finding clues and crime fighting (an idea introduced in Heavy Rain) to countless uses in film such as The Sixth Day, Minority Report and let's not forget - the classic that is TRON.

For the select few of you who by some chance have not encountered the prospect of virtual reality before, let me try and explain. Virtual reality refers to the idea that an individual, through the use of technology, can enter a completely digital or imaginary world, away from the restraints of the traditional physical one in which we live now. Think of it as, sitting in your chair at home with a VR headset on, but seeing yourself running through miles of beautiful green fields, or battling ferocious dragons - you get the idea. The best known indication of virtual reality is the film TRON, which literally sparked the idea and interest in VR as a possibility. 
So, going back to my little introduction - why is it that I chose the future of gaming before the obvious choices of the past then present? Well, prepare to have your minds blown..

This, ladies and gents, is the next step in technology. Sony Worldwide Studios senior director Mick Hocking has confirmed that the device above is a prototype in an ongoing exploration into potential VR technology. He stated that the prototype device also displays high-end 3D. This news got me very excited as ever since I was young I have always wanted some kind of virtual reality gaming experience to exist and that now looks more likely than ever. Imagine a fully immersed world - actually turning and having to look around - put that into a gaming environment. Scoping out enemy positions and relaying feed to ground troops, actually having to watch the road as you speed through crowded city streets - the possibilities are endless and exciting.

With the latest increase into the exploration of 3-D technology, the potential for VR gaming and god knows what other technological advances that are being worked on as we speak - the future looks good. Especially when you consider the fact that with VR comes VR girls - I dunno about you but I wouldn't mind spending some time with Tron girl in my own reality..

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