Right then you fine people, where to begin.. I'll start with an apology. I'm sorry I haven't blogged. As you'll soon see I've had a lot of things going on, both on a personal, financial, social and work related front and I simply haven't had the time I would have liked to invest in the blog. This is something I really care about and a lot of you know that this is important to me. But now that everything is settled down again I'll be posting blogs a LOT more frequently. That brings me to a little side point; I just want to thank everyone that is still following me here. It started out with a few close friends and family but you guys have really helped me, it is this small but loyal fan base that keeps me writing.
Now that's out of the way we can get down to business! There's been a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes of TCXS as of late, i've been in contact with some very high profile people in the gaming industry and the gaming website scene and as a result have been asked to contribute to several more sites, so good stuff!
More excitingly however, I have been approached by a friend of mine about a top secret project involving myself and several others. I can't give much away because it's still in the planning stages but it's gonna be great. The people involved are an awesome bunch and are very like minded to myself, and that's pretty much the only hint I can give. It will start out small but with your help and our determination we're hoping it can turn into something great - so watch this space..
Now onto actual gaming matters. The next few blogs are ones that I've been interested in writing for quite some time now, including but certainly not limited to; my opinions on DLC, technology of the future and how it will affect gaming, technology of the present (thats right, a 2 parter!) and my review of Fist Of The North Star: Ken's Rage. The review is one i'm looking forward to as i haven't reviewed since Castlevania Lords Of Shadow way back in my first post. So keep an eye on the site folks, there's plenty to look forward to.
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