Few games hold that much sway or have so much success that they get to celebrate 10 or even 20th anniversaries and still go strong, but Metal Gear Solid is celebrating it's 25th! This magnificent series will always hold the title (personally of course) for most influential, successful, enjoyable and downright amazing game series I've ever played, or even that I know of. To celebrate Metal Gear turning 25years young - fans were treated to something a little bit special..
Today, I had the extraordinary pleasure of shaking the hand of one of my great inspirations and heroes, Hideo Kojima. Hideo, along with renowned Metal Gear Solid artist Yoji Shinkawa made an appearance at the Uniqlo t-shirt store located on Oxford Street in London to promote the new t-shirt range being released in celebration for Metal Gear Solid's 25th anniversary. I'd known about the t-shirts for a little while already as I follow Kojima, Konami and Uniqlo on twitter (and you should too!) but not until a few days ago did I find out about Kojima and Shinkawa's involvement - needless to say, the train tickets to London were booked before you could shout SNAKE!!!! The t-shirts themselves I have to say are actually gorgeous, theyre very well presented and look very attractive. A lot of gaming related apparal can seem tacky or even just fan made in a printing shop but after looking at and buying several, not only can I confirm they LOOK awesome but theyre of outstanding quality. If you don't live local to London but still want to get your hands on some Metal Gear goodies you can order the t-shirts from the Uniqlo website here
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Its me! |
This kind of event is always nice for gamers as its almost as if those behind it are giving something back. Hardcore gaming fans and even those who just buy games and enjoy them are giving creators, developers, artists etc their money, time and care and it is nice to know that some care enough to give back in the form of signings and the like. The cynics amongst you will say that they only made appearances to sell more t-shirts and undoubtedly that will have played in a part in the decision, but Kojima and Shinkawa did not have to sit and sign over 200 individual piece of fan merchandise. Nor did they have to give out special prizes to some lucky fans but hey - they did.
This kind of event is also a chance for gamers to branch out and meet others they may otherwise not have the chance to - a chance to meet and share the passion which they may once have thought only they had. Or ya know, could just be an excuse to get dressed up and have a laugh! Regardless, the event was an amazing opportunity and experience and I'm grateful that I had the chance to go and meet one of my personal inspirations while also buying some nice gaming loot!
On a personal note I would like to thank the Uniqlo store and staff members for their patience, friendliness and for setting up the event in teh first place. Many thanks also go to Konami and of course Kojima-San and Shinkawa-San for making appearances, you made a LOT of people happy; myself definitely included. Thanks to all of you, I now have what is undoubtedly my most prized possession.
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