Sunday, 25 March 2012

GAME over.

Even I have to admit that title is PUNbelievable. Ok, I'll stop that. The past few weeks have presented some very troubling news for both retailers and gamers alike. In today's blog post we'll be going over these events and what they could mean for the future of gaming.

2012 is now well under way and the past few weeks have been BIG for gaming. With things like the Assassin's Creed III trailer hitting the web and massive blockbusters Mass Effect 3 and Street Fighter x Tekken being released, the year is finally starting to live up to 2011 already. However, no doubt at least some of you will have noticed that UK gaming store giant the GAMEgroup (owners of GAME and Gamestation) stocked neither Mario Party 9, Mass Effect 3, Street Fighter x Tekken and since it's release on Friday, this weeks hotly anticipated title Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Why? Unfortunately lads and ladettes, the reason is: GAME(station) will soon be gone.

Upon hearing this news I was extraordinarily disheartened, countless times I've wandered into Gamestation for a browse, had some friendly banter with staff, even competed in small local tournaments there. It'll be sad to see it go. On the flip-side however, as the company desperately attempts to snatch up some much needed funds, prices on games, consoles and accessories already have and are bound to continue plummeting, so get yourself down to your local store to grab some bargains! 

But the story doesn't end there..This could be a real reflection of things to come. HMV, Gamestation..  High street retailers are going out of fashion right now - just think of how much easier and even cheaper it is to order a game from amazon as opposed to going to the shop and picking it up. So if they re dying off even now, what does that say about the future? We are in a digital age people, its not long until traditional ships will be gone as we know them. With technology the way it is now and with the undoubted advances to come, how long until gaming goes completely digital? 

Well, you can already download full games from both PSN and XBLA- so it may not come as a surprise to wonder whether or not ALL game sales will one day soon become digital. This would change the way games are bought forever - no more lending, trading, buying ore-owned games.. No doubt the companies would benefit, but us as gamers would undoubtedly suffer for it. But when have companies ever really taken that into account? 

Sunday, 18 March 2012

To all the mums out there

Dedicated to: Joy Shell
Happy mothers day.

I know it's a tiny bit too late but in light of mothers day; This is just a quick one for all the mums out there.
Its always important to know where you want to go in life. But equally, it's as important not only to know where you are, but also where you've come from. I know that right now I've a massive passion for video games. I know that this is only the case because of where I've come from. Growing up my siblings and I never wanted for much. I had a SEGA, Gamegear, Gameboy, SNES, Playstation, PS2 - and as the years went on and new consoles were released; I got them in the form of birthday or Christmas presents, and there's one person in particular to thank for that - mum. But even having the consoles didn't build my key interest into what it was today.

Some of my fondest gaming memories come from my childhood, whether they be ps1 gaming marathons or playing Dragonball Z with my brother, but some stand tall even further back than that. A few days ago I brought back Sonic Generations (another gift from mum) to my house and hooked it up to the main television in my front room. My mum happened to wander in and her eyes lit up at the sight of the spiky blue speed freak hedgehog.
When I was barely old or big enough to get my hands around a SEGA Megadrive controller, we'd sit for hours and hours together me and her playing through various levels of sonic and seeing her that happy at a game in turn made me feel happy. It was great to see her so enthralled with a game again and brought back heavy nostalgia. I cant remember the last time we bonded properly over a videogame and it occurred to me, her sitting with me and playing through sonic with me for all those hours definitely shaped my gaming passion into what it is today - and for that I can only say thank you.

So gamers, even if it is just once in a blue moon, remember one of the most important people in your life - who brought you into the world, fuelled your gaming addiction for years and probably, like mine, still funds and fuels it now.

Have a happy mothers day Mums, we appreciate you!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Gamer Girls part 2

Ok, before we get down to the main issue here; let me start by saying I don't mean to offend anyone by this article - it's simply my response to the emails I've had! As I'm sure most of you have read the last blog on girl gamers, (if not, go now!) and it seems there's certainly no shortage of opinions on the matter!

I was actually quite shocked at the level of reply that the article generated, initially from the girls who showed both appreciation and agreement (glad you liked it lasses!) but then I was more surprised to find a massive number of emails and comments from the other side, from lads. So let's get down to what you think..
How gamers feel when this kind of gamer girl comes along
Reading through all the responses I got and even the 2 or 3 blog posts that my article inspired, there seems to be one resounding conclusion from the lads - they're all fine with gamer girls.. Or at least some of them. It seems that the fellas can take getting whooped by a girl in gaming, so long as they don't emphasise the fact that it happened or is so shocking because they're a girl. Now I can actually see where everyone is coming from with this. I've no problem with girl gamers (as you all know) but I admit that it shouldn't actually make a difference that they're girls that are playing.

Let's put it a different way, does this sound familiar? 'Yeah that's right, I'm a GIRL and I play games, SO WHAT, BIG DEAL I bet I could beat any of you guys. How does it feel to get your ass beat by a GIRL? Bet you're pretty shocked to see a girl who actually likes to play videogames, well I do so don't be sexist...' and the list of stereotypical, general nonsense spoutings could go on forever - we've heard them all. What makes it worse is that said female culprit then acts so surprised, shocked and upset when told to shut up or more likely, get back in the kitchen by the male players she's angered with her nonsense. (Not my words, everyone knows this is the most common response!) 
If you're still confused this picture should explain all - the difference between a gamer girl (BAD.) and a Girl Gamer (good!)

Now, a lot of female gamers are perfectly fine and don't do this BUT we all know that there are those who do. You know who you are, and stop it. You are giving your gender a bad name and only promoting the annoying stereotype.

So that about covers both sides of the debate now, I'd love to hear a girls response to this maybe? The only sensible and accurate conclusion I can draw from this is that both genders are fine with female gamers, just not the ones that make a spectacle out of it because of the fact they've got some lovely lady lumps - Just like these ones here..
sexy gamer girls 4 Hot gamer girls fulfill my fantasy (18 Photos)